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Posted by NORM 17 Nov 2009 - 3:11:00 PM

I've just created a Japanese inspired garden using variety of Cycad plants.
By using multiple varieties and levels of maturity, I've achieved a wonderful garden full of texture and interest.
Just my thoughts.

Comments (3)

Re: UNKNOWN 3 Dec 2009 - 11:58:00 AM

Sounds beautiful. Got a pic?

Re: SHANI 28 Apr 2010 - 4:03:00 PM

I had a really difficult spot under a big fig tree. With extreme conditions including dense shade most of the day, hot west sun in the afternoon and dry conditions due to the large root system of the fig. But on top of all that we live an area that floods so at times it is also under water for up to a week. It was hard to mow the grass under the tree because of the roots of the tree. So I planted a garden of cycads, bromeliads, mondo grass, dietes & agapanthas. It looks great and everything is thriving.

Re: Re: ASPLENIUM 15 Jun 2014 - 7:39:00 AM

It sounds very sub tropical and loverly.

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Leone, Langhorne Creek SA
I try to imitate and recreate natural systems in my backyard. These systems will in turn create a self tending and co-evolving garden landscape.


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